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Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Benefits of Creating a COVID-19 Routine

2020 has been a year unlike any other. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many systemic failings in our nation’s social contract, leaving people vulnerable to the spread of a potentially deadly and disabling virus.

Even if some or all the businesses in your area have recently reopened with fewer restrictions, you could still be spending more time at home due to campus closures and a desire to protect yourself and your neighbors from illness. How can having a routine benefit you in these changed circumstances, and what are some ideas for creating a COVID-19 routine that works for you?

Reasons to Develop a COVID-19 Routine

High schools and colleges that are still operating on a virtual classroom model, instead of in-person instruction, are doing the right thing by encouraging students to limit interactions that could accelerate transmission of the novel coronavirus. Still, humans are creatures of habit. Without structure in our days, we start to feel aimless and adrift.

Having a daily schedule gives you a sense of purpose. Knowing what you need to do and when it needs to happen can bring much-needed certainty when other aspects of your life are on shaky ground. A routine can also benefit your mental health by giving you something to look forward to each day.

How to Develop Your Routine

You have finite hours in a day, but planning how to fill them with meaningful activities can help you make the most of your life. You don’t need a meticulous plan for every moment of your day, but in general, try to create a COVID-19 routine that accounts for:
  • Consistent times when you’ll wake up and go to bed, ensuring you get seven to nine hours of good-quality sleep per night
  • Studying independently, or participating in online classes and discussions
  • Preparing and eating meals
  • Exercising
  • Leisure time – building breaks into the day can help re-energize you to tackle the next tasks.

The Value of To-Do Lists

Having a daily or weekly to-do list can help you stay on track, especially if you don’t currently have the structure of in-person instruction to keep you accountable. To-do lists can be a vital tool for anyone who is new to working without direct supervision, as they provide a visual reminder of what you need to accomplish.

When you create your to-do list, be sure to break each large project into the individual steps necessary to complete it. For instance, if you have to write a paper, you might start by researching your subject, then create an outline of ideas. Follow those steps with the writing and the bibliography, and finish by proofreading your work.

If you finish a project or assignment earlier than you expected, don’t use that as an excuse to curl up on the couch and watch TV. Instead, look to your to-do list for the next few days to see if there are any opportunities to get ahead. Your future self will thank you!

Addiction Treatment Tailored to Young Adults

At Hope Academy, we understand younger people have different needs in drug and alcohol rehab, and that this stage of life brings unique challenges that can complicate the recovery process. Our qualified addiction specialists have created programming specifically to help high school and college-aged students discover who they are without the burdens of substance abuse standing between them and genuine happiness. Call today for your confidential assessment.
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