Make a Plan to Keep Yourself on Track
As generations of college students have learned, fighting Spring Fever is a hopeless endeavor. The best you can do is develop a plan that keeps your work on track as you allow yourself some springtime R & R. Here are a few tips to help you focus amid the many campus distractions:
• Start with some spring-cleaning in your workspace or dorm room. A cluttered work area is just another reason to escape outdoors when you don’t want to study.
• Set a schedule that begins early. You’ll want to enjoy every second of daylight you can, so don’t linger in bed. Eat well, too. You’ll need the energy that a healthy diet provides.
• Spring may invite spontaneity, but structure will help you stay focused. Plan outdoor activities around classes & studying. Keep a checklist of assignments & studying that must be done; then, reward yourself with time outside when you have accomplished them.
• Move your exercise routine from the gym to the outdoors. Physical activity sharpens your mind and uses up some of your restlessness. Take an early run, then shower & study for a while.
• Take your reading outdoors, or join classmates in an outdoor study group. You’ll soak up some vitamin D & enjoy the social interaction—as long as you can stay focused for a period of time.
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