Luckily, there are plenty of items that can provide encouragement and sober fun. Some experts recommended thinking in three categories: for the self, for recovery, for his or her surroundings.
Here are a few gifts that will keep on giving this season:
- A gratitude journal or diary
- Sobriety calendar
- Sparkling water maker
- Gift certificate to movies
- Gift certificate for a massage or spa day
- Trial yoga or meditation class
- Trial indoor rock climbing membership
- Guided meditation CD/MP3
- Stress ball
- Scented candles
- Healthy cookbook
- Inspirational book(s) about recovery
- Assortment of herbal and decaf teas
- Personalized coffee cups, hats, T-shirts, bags
- Adult coloring book and art supplies (crayons, markers, colored pencils, paints)
- Sobriety jewelry or tokens
- An engraved compact mirror
- A picture frame or picture collage
- Bath soaps and bubbles
- A donation to a favorite charity or recovery program
- An indoor plant or gardening supplies
The best way to show someone you’ve got their back during recovery won’t cost a dime. Make up some coupons for an extra hug, listening session or walk in the park. The gift of support, after all, is the best gift of all.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Young Adults
If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, Hope Academy can help. We offer a variety of drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs for young adults, including our unique sobriety college program. Our CA rehab programs for adults age 18 to 26 include residential treatment and outpatient programs, and our team is available to help with insurance authorizations, and interventions. For more information, call: 866-930-4673.
If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, Hope Academy can help. We offer a variety of drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs for young adults, including our unique sobriety college program. Our CA rehab programs for adults age 18 to 26 include residential treatment and outpatient programs, and our team is available to help with insurance authorizations, and interventions. For more information, call: 866-930-4673.