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Monday, July 2, 2018

Tips for a Sober 4th of July

sober 4th of JulyThe Fourth of July can be a challenging and frustrating holiday during early recovery. But with the right steps it can also be the perfect holiday to celebrate your independence from the grips of addiction. Here are some ideas to enjoy your newfound sober freedom this July 4th
  • Make a grateful list. Jot down all the reasons why you’re grateful to be sober and free from drugs and/or alcohol. This simple exercise is a great way to start your July 4th celebration.
  • Go to a meeting. Surrounding yourself with supportive people who are also trying to stay sober on this day can help you stay strong and beat back any cravings. Not in the mood for a face-to-face meeting? Check out an online support group. 
  • Start your own tradition. A big part of recovery is redefining fun so it doesn’t include alcohol and/or drugs. Gather some friends for a round of bowling or afternoon movie – or whatever sober activity makes you feel good.
  • Throw a sober July 4th party. You can invite all your sober friends who are also looking for something fun to do sober. Put on some music, play board games, tie-dye t-shirts or bake cookies together. 
  • Recruit a support friend. Whether you're headed to a beach party or just hanging home with close friends, it’s super helpful to have one special person who you know is ready to help if the pressure of the holiday becomes overwhelming. Along these same lines, if you do attend an event with drugs or alcohol, make sure you have an emergency escape plan ready. 
Finding a New Sober Freedom
As you move from the bondage of addiction toward the freedom of healing, the Hope Academy team helps you manage life, school, and sobriety setbacks. To learn more about our young adult addiction services or to begin the rehab admission process, call today: 866-930-4673.

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