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Friday, October 14, 2016

Recovery Dating Rules

In general, the golden rule about dating in recovery is to avoid it during the first year of sobriety.

Once you’ve passed that recovery milestone, however, you may be ready to get back on the dating scene and find a companion with whom you can have a healthy lasting relationship.

You’ll likely feel unprepared and uneasy – but don’t we all when it comes to dating? This may be especially true if you have a history of unhealthy romances. Luckily, the many life skills you’ve learned during recovery will help. You might also want to work with your therapist or addiction counselor to develop a sober dating plan, which may include some healthy dating goals.

Here are some more things to consider when you’re ready to start dating.

• Go slow and focus on gradually building a long-term relationship.
• Pick a partner you'll feel proud to one day introduce to your family and friends.
• Look for a dependable date with a steady job.
• Date someone who appreciates and respects you.
• Choose someone with shared interests, hobbies, and values.

• Go out with a person who is in active addiction, whether drugs, alcohol, or a behavioral addiction.
• Fall for someone who is married or emotional unavailable.
• Text, call, or email the person daily, even if you can’t wait to see him/her again. The goal is to go slow and to get to know one another through the course of dating.

Get Aftercare at Hope Academy

Upon returning home from rehab, it’s all-too-easy to gravitate to former patterns, dangerous environmental triggers, and toxic relationships, so we created a supportive transition between treatment completion and the return home to give you the best chance at sustained sobriety. To learn more, call: 855-221-1717.
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