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Thursday, June 27, 2019

How Addictive Is Marijuana?

Though 33 states and the District of Columbia have now legalized marijuana for medical use, recreational use or both, that doesn’t mean the drug has no risks. While long-term marijuana use might not be as dangerous as drugs like heroin or methamphetamines, developing a marijuana addiction is not only possible, but can have lifelong harmful effects on a user’s brain and body.

Marijuana is one of the most widely used drugs today, due to its ready availability and the various options for using it. People often begin using cannabis without realizing how quickly they can develop a dependence. However, a marijuana misuse disorder is easier to manage than you might think.

Is Marijuana Addictive?

People abuse marijuana because it contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also called THC, a psychoactive component that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to create a euphoric high. When a person smokes pot, THC passes from the lungs to the bloodstream to the brain.

Compared to other drugs, marijuana is slow to absorb, and sometimes takes as long as one hour before users feel the characteristic high. Marijuana activates specific receptors in the brain, leading to effects such as mood changes, impaired memory and decision-making and an altered sense of time and reality.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, up to 30 percent of people who use marijuana develop a dependence on it. Meanwhile, those who begin using the drug before age 18 are four to seven times  more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder.

From Tolerance to Dependence to Addiction

Regardless of the method people prefer to use marijuana, they may develop a tolerance to it over time, which means they will require higher and higher doses to experience the same effects. If they continue to smoke, vape or ingest pot, they can develop a marijuana dependence, which means their brain has become accustomed to regular doses of THC and has reduced its natural production of endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.

People who try to quit using pot after developing a dependence will experience withdrawal symptoms and crave the drug to feel “normal.” In cases like these, they will continue to use cannabis as an escape from reality, despite its negative effects on their life.

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Attempts to quit using marijuana may fail when users encounter uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that include:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Loss of focus
  • Sweating and chills
  • Depression and anxiety
These symptoms can range from mild to severe, and often vary from user to user. The longer you have been using marijuana, the more you can expect to struggle when you try to quit.

Getting Help for a Drug Dependence

If you have used marijuana regularly and often, gradually cutting back on your use may help you ease into a life without feeling as if you need to use pot to feel normal. However, if you are struggling to imagine your life without drugs, or if cannabis has become a gateway drug to more addictive substances like opioids, professional treatment can help you get back on the right track.

At Hope Academy, we believe a promising future lies ahead of you, no matter how long you have been using drugs. Contact us to learn more about our young adult-specific programs and rediscover the joy of living without drugs and alcohol.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Ways Young Adults Can Have Fun in Recovery

Many high school and college-aged students begin using drugs and alcohol because they believe these substances make parties and other social gatherings more fun. Once they build up a tolerance, and later an addiction, they may begin to feel as if there’s no way to enjoy activities without being high or drunk. As a result, learning to have fun while staying sober is one of the most common problems faced in recovery.

Life in recovery is a continuous learning process. It’s entirely possible to enjoy life without the crutch of drugs and alcohol, but it will take effort and commitment on your part. Here are some ideas for making sober life feel fully rewarding.

Benefits of Hobbies in Recovery

The goal of recovery from substance abuse is to help you learn to transition from being an active user to having a healthy life in sobriety. You may not know how to live a life that does not include drug or alcohol use as its primary focus. Finding sober activities you enjoy enables you to have a rich, full life and fills up the hours you used to spend feeding your addiction.

When you’re locked in the cycle of addiction, your all-consuming compulsion to use drugs or alcohol robs you of your choices and makes you powerless to decide whether you’re going to drink or use drugs. Once you enter an addiction rehab program and achieve sobriety, your goal changes to developing strategies that can prevent a relapse. Keeping boredom at bay is one of the most effective ways you can avoid letting the addiction win.

Fun Ways to Enrich Your Recovery

  • Join a sports team – Most schools have intramural sports teams that welcome players at all levels of ability. Along with more traditional sports such as baseball, softball and basketball, you can probably find opportunities to participate in more unorthodox ones such as dodgeball, kickball and ultimate frisbee. Choose one that sounds enjoyable, sign up for a team and start participating.
  • Do volunteer work – Many deserving nonprofits rely on help from the community, and there are few activities more rewarding than volunteering. To find volunteer opportunities you’ll enjoy, visit and choose something that aligns with your interests.
  • Have a game night – Nothing says fun like gathering for a little friendly competition with a game that tests your knowledge and skill.
  • Be a hometown tourist – Contact your local visitors’ bureau to find out about little-known tourist attractions or activities that are off the beaten path. Grab a few friends and while away a Saturday afternoon exploring. Be sure to end your adventure with a stop at a locally owned restaurant for a delicious meal.

Rediscover Who You Truly Are

This list is only scratching the surface of ideas you can try. Experiment until you find the things that make your life in recovery fulfilling. There’s a good chance you’ll discover you can have more fun sober than you ever did when you were dulling your senses with drugs or alcohol.

At Hope Academy, we provide young adults with the opportunity to reclaim their lives from addiction. Contact us for a confidential assessment and to learn about enrollment at our California drug and alcohol treatment facility.
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