Here are a few tips to have a safe and sober end of the year:
- Bring a sober buddy. It’s much easier to stay sober and avoid temptation with a loved one or friend by your side. You’ll feel less alone and you’ll also have someone to hold you accountable throughout the evening.
- Remind yourself that you’re not missing out. Getting drunk may look fun but you know all too well that it’s not worth the consequences. Write down a few reasons why you chose to become sober or find a photograph of your addicted self and bring it with you to combat feelings of missing out.
- Plan ahead. If you attend a party where there will be alcohol, be prepared. This means rehearsing a script of why you’re not drinking and/or having an escape plan if you become overwhelmed. It’s also smart to recruit a trusted friend to bail you out if you begin to struggle.
- Practice self-care. The goal is to approach the evening with a healthy, stress-free mindset. This will enable you to make smart decisions. Make sure to prioritize sleeping, eating and exercising in the upcoming days and do your best to avoid HALT, the widely used recovery acronym for hunger, anger, loneliness and tiredness.
- Attend a support group. Many support groups hold New Year’s Eve meetings – so consider leaving any party early and ringing in the New Year with others in the recovery community. It's a great way to combat the stress, loneliness and temptations of the night.
Getting Help for Alcohol Abuse
According to the NIAAA, the young adult subgroup makes up 31.5 percent of alcoholics. At Hope Academy, we provide a safe environment in which teens and young adults feel comfortable sharing their concerns and setting sobriety goals. To learn more, call 866-930-4673.