By now you’ve likely heard about the new federal regulations that kicked in Monday for electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, along with some other tobacco-related products.
To recap: The sale of e-cigs, tobacco-like cigars, hookah tobacco, and pipe tobacco are now illegal for minors; manufacturers and makers must place warning labels on packaging and in their ads; and they must also disclose to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration all the ingredients used in making the products.
While many health organizations are onboard with these new regulations, The American Lung Association (ALA) has perhaps been most vocal when it comes to embracing these new rules and wanting the government to go even further.
“Youth are using e-cigarettes at an increasing and alarming rate,” Harold P. Wimmer, national president and CEO of the ALA, said in a statement. “E-cigarettes are now the most commonly used tobacco product by youth.” About 3 million middle- and high-school students use e-cigarettes, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Three Reasons to Say No to E-Cigs
The ALA has numerous articles on its website dispelling myths about e-cigs and bringing to light the harmful effects of these products. Here are three things you should know about e-cigarettes, according to the organization:
The ALA has numerous articles on its website dispelling myths about e-cigs and bringing to light the harmful effects of these products. Here are three things you should know about e-cigarettes, according to the organization:
- E-cigarettes may contain toxic ingredients. Diacetyl, a buttery flavored chemical often added to food products such as popcorn, caramel, and dairy products, has been found in some e-cigarettes with flavors. Diacetyl can cause a serious and irreversible lung disease commonly known as "popcorn lung."
- E-cigarettes may lead to second-hand exposure. Even though e-cigarettes do not produce smoke like traditional cigarettes, they can expose others to secondhand emissions. Two studies have found formaldehyde, benzene, and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (all carcinogens) coming from those secondhand emissions. Other studies have shown that chemicals in the vapor contain formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and other potential toxins.
- Almost all e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine has a negative impact on adolescent brain development. In fact, nicotine use during adolescence and young adulthood has been associated with lasting cognitive and behavioral impairments, including effects on working memory and attention.
Young Adults and Substance Abuse
Those who use nicotine at a young age are at an exponentially greater risk of using harder drugs. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse disorder, call today: 866-930-4673. At Hope Academy's rehab for younger adults, we walk beside you through the most overwhelming parts of addiction withdrawal, recovery, and restoration.
Those who use nicotine at a young age are at an exponentially greater risk of using harder drugs. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse disorder, call today: 866-930-4673. At Hope Academy's rehab for younger adults, we walk beside you through the most overwhelming parts of addiction withdrawal, recovery, and restoration.