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Monday, February 5, 2018

Volunteering Helps Self-Esteem in Adolescents

If you want to feel better about yourself, you should start by helping someone else, according to a recent study. Researchers found that adolescents who perform acts of kindness (big and small) get a boost to their self-worth. And if you’re helping a stranger, the benefits can last up to a year later. The study, published in December in the Journal of Adolescence, surveyed nearly 700 adolescents.

"Surprisingly, teens who helped friends and family members did not report the same emotional change," said Dr. Laura Padilla-Walker, a psychology professor at Brigham Young University and one of the study's researcher, in a statement. "Helping a stranger is more challenging than assisting a friend, and when teens take this risk, they feel more competent.”

Volunteering and Your Recovery
We’ve talked about how volunteering can help your recovery in the past. To recap, volunteering is a great way to mitigate any negative feelings you may have about yourself and to gain the confidence you’ll need to deal with the ups and downs of sobriety. Here are a few more ways acts of altruism can help you stay sober: 
  • You’ll occupy your time. Especially in early recovery, healthy distractions can prevent you from daydreaming about using again.
  • You’ll build relationships: Volunteering is a great way to expand your social network with like-minded people with similar interests and goals.
  • You’ll improve your resume: Volunteering teaches you some essential job skills, including project management and sales. Plus, it’s great for networking.
Job Prep at Hope Academy
At Hope Academy, we provide practical, real-world guidance for clients who have completed college or are already pursuing a professional or vocational career. To learn more, call today: 866-930-4673.

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