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Friday, August 18, 2017

Energy Drinks: The New Gateway Drug?

It’s not news that college students turn to drinks like Red Bull or Monster to survive long days or pull all-nighters prior to exams. Yet new research says that these energy drinks may be the new gateway drug. 

Young adults who regularly consume energy drinks have a 50 percent high risk of developing a substance use disorder later in life than nonusers, according to a new study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

“The results suggest that energy drink users might be at heightened risk for other substance use, particularly stimulants,” said researcher Amelia Arria in a statement. This includes cocaine, non-prescription stimulants and alcohol.

What’s more, these energy drinks could negatively impact those already in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. This is because energy drinks offer a convenient replacement high, note experts. 

Healthy Ways to Stay Alert and Awake
Before you reach for that can of Red Bull, try one of these remedies that stimulate your senses and rev up your energy without the health risks. 
  • Fuel each a.m. Your morning meal can help set the stage for your energy for the rest of the day. Focus on whole grains, fruits and healthy proteins. 
  • Turn on the lights. More light exposure leads to more alertness, so pull open the shades, turn on the lights or, better yet, step outside into the sunshine. 
  • Cue the music. Whether rock, hip hop or jazz, upbeat music can help to boost your energy. Singing, whistling or humming will work, too. 
  • Sip on water. Dehydration can cause you to feel sluggish and sleepy so be sure to drink water throughout the day. 
  • Get moving. Whether you wiggle your feet or walk around the block, movement is perhaps the best fatigue fighter. One study of sleep-deprived college women showed that a short walk up and down the stairs can give you a better boost than a cup of coffee. 
Healthy Possibilities
When you choose Hope Academy's rehab, you open the possibility for a whole new life. And, perhaps the best part, you don’t have to leave college behind or put career preparation on hold. We offer vocational training, college prep, and sobriety college options that allow you to pursue your dreams while you get clean. To learn more, call today: 866-930-4673. 

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