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Friday, February 10, 2017

How to Keep Calm and Carry On

Learning how to keep stress in check is an important tool for long-term sobriety. Unchecked stress is a slippery slope into using again. So what can you do the next time you’re feeling frazzled, overwhelmed or freaked out – by recovery, by an upcoming test or impending job interview – or by, um, everything? 

Take a deep, long breath – and then try one of these five simple stress busters:

  1. Talk on the phone. Skip the text message and give a friend a quick call instead. Hearing a friend’s voice has been found to reduce stress, according to a study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  2. Escape on Instagram. Checking out for 10 minutes by checking out Instagram, YouTube or some other favorite site, for example, can help give your mind the mental break in needs before tackling a stressful assignment or overwhelming to-do list. 
  3. Pamper yourself. A little self-pampering can go a long way in controlling those frazzled feelings. The repetitive motion of painting your nails or toenails, for example, can be soothing and the end result will make you feel great. Or head to the barber for a clean shave and hair cut. 
  4. Take a stretch break. Perhaps the best way to relax your mind is to relax your body. You don’t need to take an entire yoga class, either, just a few quick, simple stretches will do the trick.
  5. Exercise it out. Lace up your sneakers, pop your headphones in and go for a long walk or jog. Physical activity can help you clear your mind and fend off a freak out. 
Ask About Our One-on-One Coaching
At Hope Academy, we understand that stressors inevitably arise as you begin working toward your academic and career goals. Our experienced sobriety coaches can help you learn how to manage these pressures without resorting to substance abuse. To learn more, call today: 866-930-4673.

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