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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Important Facts About Eating Disorders

Back-to-school is less than a week away and Mental Health America (MHA) is prepping students and parents alike with their new toolkit, which includes online info graphics and articles designed to promote positive mental health in adolescents. 

From building self-esteem to recognizing the signs of body dysmorphic disorder, MHA pinpoints mental issues facing young students today.  

One such article is “7 Important Facts About Eating Disorders,” which brings to light some crucial facts and figures about this serious mental illness. For example, did you know that anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder? And that the mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is twelve times higher than the death rate of all causes of death for females 15 to 24 years old? Pretty shocking. 

Here are some other profound points made in the article:

Eating disorders are life consuming. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors regarding weight and food issues are constant for those with eating disorders, notes MHA, making it impossible to live a normal life.

You can’t just “get over” an eating disorder. Eating disorders impact perceptions of body image as well as behaviors – both which take time to change. 

Eating disorders aren’t just “women’s disorders.”  Men and women both feel pressure to look a certain way, according to MHA, which can influence the development of an eating disorder.

Recovery is possible. Most often, care is provided by a multidisciplinary team, including a therapist (psychologist, counselor, or social worker), dietician, psychiatrist, and/or primary care physician.

Dual-Diagnosis Treatment for Young Adults
When young adults are dealing with a coexisting mental health issue, the rehabilitation process requires specialized dual-diagnosis expertise. At Hope by the Sea’s Hope Academy program, we conduct a series of tests upon admission to determine if mental illness is complicating substance abuse. To learn more, call 866-930-4673.

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