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Friday, April 14, 2017

Advantages of Being A Morning Person

Do you tend to stay up late and then struggle to wake up in the morning? Do you hit the snooze button multiple times and then scramble to shower, dress and run out the door (likely without eating!). 

For most people, especially college students, getting up early is a daily struggle. But making an effort to rise and shine can have some pretty big perks. For one, morning people take a lot of pressure off of themselves by getting a head start over late sleepers. Still not convinced? Read on:
  • You’ll get to enjoy a morning meal: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, giving your body the fuel it needs to boost brain activity and stave off cravings. Plus, it just tastes good! 
  • You’ll stick with exercise: People who are morning exercisers are less likely to skip out on their workout routine. After all, you’ll likely have better things to do at the end of the day.
  • You’ll have more “me” time: Whether you choose to squeeze in some schoolwork, meditate, call your grandparents or catch up on your favorite show, an early start to the day allows for more free time. 
  • You’ll be prepared for life after college: Chances are you’ll have to tend to various different obligations that require you to get up bright and early one day!
Start Fresh This Spring With Hope Academy 
Spring is a time for fresh starts. If you are struggling with a dual diagnosis or a substance abuse disorder, embrace a new beginning at Hope Academy Rehab. We offer vocational training, college prep, and sobriety college options that allow you to pursue your dreams while you get clean. Call today: 866-930-4673. 

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